Why is Scottie Pippen smiling so hard?
NBA Hall of Famer Scottie Pippen is putting a full court press on anyone who reported that he was bankrupt. TMZ.com says the former basketball superstar has filed a lawsuit in Illinois federal court against such outlets as CBSsports.com, CNBC.com, and even Arizona State University.
Scottie’s lawsuit calls the reports of his financial demise a “most foul libel indeed,” noting that his net worth has been no lower than 40-million dollars over the past ten years.
Scottie claims that CBSsports.com used his photo to accompany a story about athletes and bankruptcy, while CNBC.com included him in an article titled “15 Athletes Gone Bankrupt.”
As for Arizona State, Scottie says a law blog operated by the University once referred to him as bankrupt.
Scottie is now seeking at least one-million dollars from every entity that falsely discussed his finances.
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